I love having visitors!
Over the last couple of months we've been lucky enough to have to bouts of visitors at the Ten by six.
Ofcourse, one great thing about visitors is that it's really good motivation to get your house looking absolutely spick and span. For instance, while preparing for our most recent lot of visitors, I discovered the grout in our bathroom tiles, is actually in fact white, not brown! See, I might never have know that!
But all jokes aside, the best thing about having visitors from out of town is the opportunity it presents to get out and do things! See your city, experience it as a tourist and show your visitors what's so great about your pretty piece of the world.
Having visitors is a really good reminder for me, exactly why it is that I live in Perth - because it really is beautiful and I love it! Even though my immediates all live in different states and at times I wish we all lived closer, I love Perth, and right now, this is exactly where I want to be. But too often I get caught up in all the day to day stuff - working, housework, writing and when I come up for fresh air I often bury myself in a good book instead. It's easy to forget about all the great places to go and things to do in Perth.

Enter my most recent visitors. My Dad and Step Mum recently spent a few days visiting at the Ten by six before we went to Bali with my sister and her family to celebrate a big birthday for my Dad. It just so happened the weekend they were here was the Araluen's Fremantle Chilli Festival. I always intend to go to all the festivals and then when it comes to it, never end up getting to them. what a treat! We spent a beautiful day in Fremantle and the surrounds, took a drive up the coast road around Cottesloe, drove up and down many beautiful streets in the area 'house watching' as we like to call it.
The other great thing about having family visitors at your house is that they inevitably fix things around the house for you while you're off at work, just to be helpful. Running toilet - fixed! Sticky front door - smooth again. Weeds - gone. Dog bed - assembled.
There is much to be said for having visitors, even if they do have to squish in a Ten by six!
What's your favourite place in your city to show off when you have visitors?