Monday, June 9, 2014

Reading - finally!

Over the last couple of months I have struggled to find a book in my stack that really captured my interest. I've picked up a few different books, persevered for a few pages, picked them up again, forgot where I was at, lost interest, picked them up again, reread the same few pages and then pretty much given up. That's not to say they're bad books just... not what I'm in the mood for right now. And then I picked up Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Noone Writes to the Colonel and by the first page I was hooked.  I've not read one of his books before but have been meaning to read this one for quite sometime. Already I want to read more of his work and can see me wanting to add to my already large 'stack' once I've finished this one.

It's a short book, more of a novella really so I'll probably be having the above dilemma again in another week. But for now, I'm happy reading. My only regret is that I started it on a day when I couldn't just sit in a corner and devour it over several cups of tea. Such a travesty!

Are you reading anything fab at the moment? I'd love to hear if there's a book you think I absolutely must read.

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