So once we finally put the bed together and the shelves up, I decided it was well overdue to let the books out of the boxes. But with so many books and so little space, I figured I better be reasonable and you know, just unpack the books I hadn't read - because those are the priority. If I do that, then I'll have something to focus on, a pile you know... turns out, it was a little more than just a pile :/
Hi, my name is El and I'm a book-aholic.
A selection of the unread books I own. It's a travesty. It's a problem. |
Now some of these I have actually started... and not quite gotten around to finishing before I got distracted by some thing, some book else (wow I'm sensing a life pattern here - eek), but at least that's a start I suppose. But the overwhelming pile of books just kept growing until it took over the whole bed! And then I counted. There's 101.
Holy shitballs I have alot of reading to do!