Monday, November 10, 2014

Love thy sister and thy self

I've been witnessing a little too much womon hating lately... by other women and you know what? It's really got to stop.

First we criticize women for not changing their names when they're married, now we're criticizing them when they do change their names.

We criticize them for being too fat, then we criticize them for being to thin.

We criticize them for not breastfeeding, then we criticize them for breastfeeding in public.

We criticize them for not 'contributing' to the workforce and financially to their families, then we criticize them for neglecting their children by also having a career.

Why is there so much scrutiny on a woman's choice? On a woman's right to make her own decisions? And why, oh why, when we burned our bras and banded together for women's liberties are we now judging them for the biggest liberty of all? 

A woman's right to shoes - I mean choose
You have the right to choose your lives ladies and you know what - it can be whatever the fuck you want. 

It shouldn't matter what it is you choose, the name of the game is that you get to choose it. And whatever your fellow ladies choose - respect that it's their choice, because in 2014 Australia, thankfully we can! 

So let's drop the judgement, ladies and pick up the empowerment!

*I saw these images recently and thought 'Amen Sista!' For more truely inspiring peices of acceptance check out Carol Rossetti on Tumblr.

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