Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Back in the land of the living

I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been well... ah... absent lately.

I'd love to say that my absence from this space (and several other spaces both physical and virtual... and mental now that I think of it) is because I've been on some spectacular trip sunning myself, sipping cocktails or trekking through majestic mountains with my nearest and dearest... but no. I've been working. Working harder than I ever have before on a program/event. But I must say, climbing that metaphorical mountain has been a significant challenge and the view from the top is pretty darn good actually. I've not climbed down yet, I'm staying up here with the sunset for the time being, assessing the world from this height and appreciating every bit of it.

But now that the climb is over and the next phase begins, I've been taking time to rejoin the land of actually living, instead of the land of the working dead - yes I mean working, not waking.

I've been able to appreciate little things like the smell of jasmine from a tree in full spring bloom, the incredibly happy face and wag of tail from my hound running around the park, even a cup of tea. I've had time to start new projects, to read beautiful books, to eat cake and start planning a big exciting trip in the not too distant future with MR. There's been time to sip wine on friend's front porches, to watch soccer grand finals and to celebrate the coming of the new season with those I love. 

I've come out of my cave just in time for my favourite time of year in Perth. When the sun wakes earlier and goes to bed later, as do I. When I want to be out in my garden more, want to exercise more, want to generally celebrate more. And the sunsets are starting to become really beautiful too.

It's good to be back in the land of the living.      

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