One week in and Fringe has certainly whisked me away. There are so many amazing things to go and see. Last Friday I saw Big Titty Ha Ha: Hard Time which was a bit of fun and I went to see Mummy on Tuesday night, written by Mick Devine and starring Claire Munday - it was absolutely incredible! A great peice of writing coupled with sensational acting, it was funny, quick witted, morbid and sad all at the same time.
There's still about another 3 weeks of Fringe World and here are a few of my 'Must sees' for this year:
Great new play by two Perth writer/actors about a couple who get thrown into a video game trying to save their flatlining marriage. Plus I'm doing the publicity so go see it!

Asking For It
This I can't wait to see - Adrienne Truscott's 'One Woman Rape About Comedy - tackling the big issues through comedy dressed from the waist up and the ankles down. Challenging the point of view that certain women's behaviour is asking for it.

600 seconds
Read: 10 minute plays. It's like a buffet - you can get everything and then come back for more. I love short snippets and it's awesome how much can be communicated in 10 minutes.

Impromptunes - Tune your own adventure
Improvisation + music - what could be better? Ok so I was a massive Wayne Brady fan back in the Who's Line Is It Anyway days and humour through improvised song is just awesome to me.

Those who fall in love like anchors dropped upon the ocean floor
This received rave reviews during it's season at The Blue Room last year... and I missed it! By all accounts it's amazing and I'm so glad it's back, giving me the opportunity to jump aboard.

I saw this in October last year at Victoria Hall in Fremantle. Tiffany Barton is an exceptional Perth playwright and it was a hard hitting, emotional play. It's back with a new cast and a new director and I can't wait to see the transformation.