In my little lifetime, there's been a lot of homes. 27 to be exact, in as many years. Split amongst two families (don't worry, I didn't actually move every single year, but at one point we did move several times in one). I'm from a family of itchy-feeters, of courageous individuals who take the step to change their lives with only the positives of the experience in mind. Some of these moves were not always completely thought out, some were intended to be stepping stones, and some were more of a forced matter. But things always worked out in the end and I love that courage, drive and sense of adventure about each and every one of my immediates and about myself too.
There has been houses by the beach, houses in the suburbs, big houses, small houses, farm houses. Homes in the country, city and in the bush. Old houses, new houses and friends' houses. Caravans, demountables, even buses and sheds. Homes with parents, friends, boyfriends and people met through Gumtree who then became friends. Each house, each location, each situation has taught me something different and has influenced who I am today. I am thankful for the varying experiences I've had thus far and hopeful that the next 28 years will bring others just as diverse.
But Old Milney will always be my last rental. I spent two years here beneath the high ceilings, within the enormous suburban block (albeit mostly sandpit), perched comfortably on the elevated front porch overlooking the street from a small height. The porch at Old Milney was one of my favourite spots - probably the place I'll miss the most. It has seen many a party, heard many a tune and worn many a spilled beverage. Old Milney has been a place we've shared with friends and family and a space we've felt extremely comfortable in, despite the mice and pantry moths that come with an old girl like her.
While there will be a lot I won't miss about living here (rent inspections included), there will be a lot I will miss. I will miss the decorative ceilings, the fireplace (not that it worked), the sweet old original stove in the corner of the kitchen (not that it worked either), the art deco glass doors. I will miss the picture rails in every room from which I could hang whatever I wanted wherever I wanted, the crazy bright orange of the sleep out wall, the sweet picket fence. I will miss the big bedrooms, the real floor boards, the pretty front garden and steps up to the porch lined with all of my plant pots.
So thanks for the memories Old Milney, a place in my heart is stored for you forever.
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